“Especially with our rooftop patio, and the festoon lighting over our central lawn, it’s really an enchanting place to enjoy Valentine’s Day with loved ones.” “We’re very proud of this space we were able to create in Baton Rouge’s historic warehouse district,” said Marlee Pittman, director of the Electric Depot. Tall window panes capture beads of humidity, offering a hazy peek into the property’s various businesses: Red Stick Social (the concert venue, restaurant, bar, and bowling alley), City Roots Coffee Bar, Achroma photography studio, apartment spaces, and the soon-to-open Blue Corn Tequila & Tacos, Boru Ramen & Poke, and Sweet Society Japanese Ice Cream & Desserts. These may also be moderated with ISO, which is the sensitivity of the film or sensor to light. Get detailed information about the Archroma Pakistan Limited (ARPL) stock including price, charts, company profile, announcements, historical data. Roomy interiors of exposed brick and metal pipes stand in cozy contrast to fairy lights twinkling over the courtyard alley, their soft white glow visible along Government Street. It particularly applies to photography, where the exposure is set for the amount of light allowed through the lens with a combination of aperture (the size of the hole through which the light passes) and speed (the time during which the shutter is open). Once a collection of Entergy warehouses, the six-acre campus opened last year amid the raw allure of its industrial past. Over a century later, the vestiges of that era remain part of a collective nostalgia, a yearning for the brick-and-iron aesthetic of industry combined with something more wistful and romantic, a certain je ne sais quoi perfectly encompassed by Mid City’s Electric Depot, the ideal backdrop for our Valentine’s Day Supper Club. ORIGINAL BOX IS A LITTLE BEAT-UP (SEE PICS).

I CANT PROMISE THAT IT WORKS, IT WAS MY MOTHER-IN-LAWS BEFORE SHE PASSED AWAY AT AGE 88. By then, the Lumière brothers’ invention of the cinématographe had already encouraged the first silent films, the Moulin Rouge was making craftsmanship of cabaret, and Art Nouveau bistros were turning fine dining into a fine art. ORIGINAL KODACOLOR-X COLOR NEGATIVE FILM. The Entergy electric power company took hold of Baton Rouge in 1913, the last great year of the Belle Époque in its francophone forebear across the sea.