It's Short, So It Sucks!: One of the more common complaints of the game is of its length the amazing gameplay, immersive story, and fantastic presentation is sadly cut short by the game being completable in around 3-4 hours leaving most if not all of the main plot threads altogether unresolved.Iron Woobie: Zero himself shell-shock, dependence on drugs, and hallucinations will do this to you.

It's to help him keep track of what's going to happen, like guy on the left shoots on the third beat, guy on the right punches on the sixth beat Allowing " The Dragon" to murder his henchmen and even torturing his annoying neighbors to death on film, V later captures and tortures "The Dragon" for interfering with his plans.Ĭraig The Crawler: His name is Zero, and the music flows normally for us, but to him every time he restarts the music does too. A method he loves is injecting his victim with Chronos so that the pain they feel will last longer under the drug's effects. Hired by an unnamed employer to recreate and sell the drug Chronos, V has numerous Chronos scientists kidnapped, tortured, and murdered for information, while also assassinating possible competition.